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Top 5 Helpful Tips to Care for Your Diabetic Foot at Home

Top 5 Helpful Tips to Care for Your Diabetic Foot at Home

Taking good care of one’s feet is essential for diabetics in order to preserve general health and avoid complications. Due to the potential for nerve damage and poor circulation, diabetic foot problems must be properly cared for in order to avoid infections and injury.

There are a few easy yet effective steps people may take at home to take care of their diabetic foot, even though routine trips to the doctor are essential. We’ll look at five practical suggestions in this post to assist people with diabetes take charge of their foot health and lower their risk of problems.

Understanding Diabetic Foot Complications

Concerns about diabetic foot issues are quite genuine for those who have the disease. Diabetes frequently results in peripheral artery disease and nerve damage, or neuropathy, both of which may cause a variety of foot issues.

Diabetes, not under control, can harm your nerves. If you have injured nerves in your feet or legs, you might not feel heat, cold, or pain. We call this deficiency of feeling “sensory diabetic neuropathy.” If you do not experience any cuts or pain in your foot, neuropathy may cause it to develop.

Diabetes has an impact on blood flow as well. A cut or sore takes longer to heal if the blood flow is poor. We refer to poor blood flow in the legs and arms as “peripheral vascular disease.”

Tip 1: Daily Foot Inspection

Check your feet frequently for any anomalies, such as cuts, blisters, redness, or swelling. If necessary, examine the soles of your feet using a mirror. Early problem identification enables timely treatment and reduces the risk of consequences.

Tip 2: Proper Foot Hygiene

To avoid getting infections, keep your feet dry and clean. Use mild soap and lukewarm water to wash your feet once a day, and make sure to completely dry them, especially in the spaces between your toes. Steer clear of bathing your feet as this might cause skin breakdown and dryness.

Tip 3: Moisturizing and Skin Care

Every day, moisturize your feet; however, avoid putting moisturizer in between your toes as this can encourage the growth of fungi. To avoid ingrown toenails, cut your toenails straight across and file any rough edges with care.

Tip 4: Choosing Suitable Footwear

Put on shoes that fit well, are comfortable, and offer your feet enough support and protection. To lessen the chance of irritation and pressure points, use breathable materials and stay away from tight, pointed shoes. Check your shoes frequently for wear indicators and replace them as necessary.

Tip 5: Managing Blood Sugar Levels

A constant blood sugar level is necessary to avoid issues with diabetic feet. Adhere to your diabetes treatment plan, which should include routinely checking your blood sugar, taking your prescription drugs as indicated, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting regular exercise. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels lowers the chance of foot-related problems while also supporting general health.

Full spectrum cannabidiol (CBD) oil has been explored as an option for managing diabetes and diabetic foot. A study found that CBD can lessen pancreatic inflammation, enhance insulin resistance, and enhance pancreatic islet function.

Read More: 10 Types of Type-2 Diabetes Medications and How They Work

Additional Tips for Diabetic Foot Care

  • Avoid walking barefoot, even indoors, to protect your feet from injuries and infections.
  • Elevate your feet when sitting to improve circulation and reduce swelling.
  • Avoid crossing your legs for long periods, as it can restrict blood flow to your feet.
  • Stay active with regular exercise to improve circulation and maintain overall foot health.
  • Be cautious when trimming your toenails and consider seeking professional help if you have difficulty or if you’re prone to ingrown toenails.
  • Explore CBD Oil for treatment: An elevated blood sugar level can cause nerve damage throughout your body. Diabetic neuropathy typically destroys nerves throughout your feet and legs.
  • CBD oil’s activity on the endocannabinoid system has a full-body effect, which may assist in managing foot problems because of its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. It may also give neuroprotection for the feet.

Get in touch with us on +91 9910556650 for consulting a healthcare expert or book your consultation using for CBD.


Making diabetic foot care a priority is crucial to avoiding problems and preserving general health. People with diabetes can enhance their quality of life and reduce their risk of foot-related problems by paying attention to their feet and heeding these guidelines.


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