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Top Ayurvedic Remedies for Managing Asthma Symptoms

Top Ayurvedic Remedies for Managing Asthma Symptoms

Asthma, a prominent non-communicable disease, affects both children and adults, making it the most prevalent chronic condition in children. In 2019, reports indicated that 262 million people had asthma, and it was responsible for 455,000 deaths.

Understanding Asthma in Ayurveda

According to the modern perspective, asthma takes place when the respiratory system is inflamed, tightening the muscles and producing excessive mucus. This causes breathlessness and discomfort.

Whereas, the ayurvedic perspective on asthma is an imbalance in Vata, Pitta and Kapha, emphasizing the role of digestion and Agni in triggering this condition.

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the fundamentals of Ayurveda. Vata is associated with air and space and looks after flexibility and mobility. Kapha, associated with soil and water, upholds structure and stability. Pitta is associated with fire and water elements. Every person has a unique ratio of Vata, Pitta and Kapha which defines their ayurvedic constitution.

Ayurvedic dietary Recommendations

Here are some basic Ayurvedic diet plans:

  • Dietary adjustments, such as avoiding excess dairy and seafood and having a lighter dinner before sunset, are recommended.
  • It also includes the management of honey consumption for throat soothing and infection prevention, along with foods like bark, amaranth, dry fruits, and specific soups to reduce phlegm and boost immunity.
  • Choose fresh, organic foods that are in season for your region, like summer berries. Consider growing on your own or buying organic.
    Eat foods suited to your dosha as recommended by the Ayurvedic Institute.
  • Avoid eating snacks between meals; opt for herbal tea.
  • Practice mindful eating that includes slow eating, enjoying eating, and avoiding distractions.
  • Consume enough to feel satisfied and not stuffed.
  • Ideally, wait for three hours before eating again.
  • Incorporate six flavors—sweet, salty, sour, bitter, astringent, and pungent—into each meal.
    Some tips to be followed are:
  • Consult with your Ayurvedic doctor before adhering to a diet and identifying your Dosha.
  • Start your Ayurvedic diet plan slowly and mindfully. According to Adkins, drink a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning, eat your largest meal at lunch, and eat at the same time every day.
  • Talk to a doctor about potential medication interactions with herbs and spices.
  • Aim for trying something new and healthy without worrying about perfection.

Best Ayurvedic treatments

As asthma has no permanent treatment, the only option is to keep it under control using ayurvedic treatments and ways to reduce the likelihood of attacks.
Some of the most effective herbs are:

  • Haridra (turmeric): it is a significant Ayurvedic remedy for asthma. The plant, often used for respiratory infections, inflammation, and wounds, may also help manage asthma. A study showed that after 30 days of taking this plant, asthma symptoms improved. Its anti-inflammatory properties, like curcumin, were found to reduce airway blockage.
  • Basil (Tulsi): the substance might offer several health benefits, including relief from chest tightness and flu-like symptoms. When combined with honey and ginger, a Tulsi drink can be very effective in managing bronchial asthma, coughs, and asthma symptoms.
  • Mulethi: it shows anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity that treats lung inflammation and decreases inflammation overall but significantly in the bronchi.
    Sunth (dried ginger): it is the most commonly used component in any Ayurvedic medication. Modern clinical investigations have confirmed the effectiveness of Sunth, with research demonstrating that it can lessen allergy symptoms through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions.
  • Kalonji: this plant is renowned for its successful asthma treatment in Ayurveda. Studies have shown some evidence that we can use herbs to treat asthma.
  • Vijaya (medical cannabis): Recently, full-spectrum CBD oil such as Cannazo India’s Placidiol is becoming increasingly popular due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. According to research, it may deliver higher neuroprotective advantages than both vitamins C and E. Daily supplementation via drops, capsules, or edibles effectively targets inflammation. Sublingual administration ensures rapid absorption into the bloodstream, while capsules provide a discreet, long-term option.

Ayurvedic therapies for asthma

  • Panchakarma therapies: Focus on improving digestion and eliminating wastes from the body. These include Vaman (medicated emesis), Virechana (purification therapy), Nasya (nasal installation), and Vasti (enema) to detoxify the body and improve respiratory function.
  • Lifestyle changes: boost immunity and detoxify the body by using steam, essential oils, soothing mint, and basil.
  • Specific Ayurvedic medicines: prescribed to balance the doshas. These, including garlic, turmeric, basil, and black pepper, can help relieve symptoms.

Precaution and Considerations

Consult a professional before using Ayurvedic medications.

Ayurvedic treatments are often tailored to individual dosha (body type) and imbalance. Ensure that prescribed remedies are suited to your specific treatment.

  • Quality of herbs: use high-quality, reputable sources for ayurvedic herbs and supplements.
  • Monitor reactions: Pay attention to any side effects or adverse reactions, especially when starting a new treatment. Report any concerns to your healthcare provider.

Avoid self-medication

  • Integrate with conventional medicines: if you are already on conventional asthma medication, discuss with your doctor how Ayurvedic treatments can be integrated safely.
  • Dosage and lifestyle: make sure to follow the appropriate lifestyle and dosage regimen.
  • Regular monitoring: regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider are essential to monitor your asthma and adjust treatments as needed.


Ayurveda offers a range of natural treatments for asthma, focusing on reducing inflammation, improving respiratory function, and enhancing overall wellness. By integrating herbs, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle practices, Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to managing asthma. Always consult with a healthcare provider to tailor treatments to your individual needs and ensure safe, effective care.


About Ayesha Qazi

Ayesha Qazi, a Bachelor of Pharmacy graduate from NMIMS Mumbai, is known for her creativity. She has extensive experience in writing research papers, review articles, and reports. She has also worked with research and development teams, contributing to various projects. Currently, she is exploring opportunities in pharmaceutical marketing and management.

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