CBD Oil for Anxiety: Dosage, Benefits, and Recommendations


Anxiety is a mental health condition in which you react or respond to specific situations with dread and fear. It is natural to feel terrified when faced with unpleasant events in life. Anxiety disorder is characterized as feeling more anxious than usual and experiencing fear on a regular basis.

CBD or Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound found in the leaves of the cannabis plant. Studies suggest that full spectrum CBD tincture can be a prominent factor to reduce anxiety levels because of its ability to react directly with the Endocannabinoid system (ECS) responsible for the spike of unusual anxiousness into the body.

How CBD Oil Can Help Control Stress And Anxiety

In a 2020 study, scientists evaluated the outcome of CBD oil on 397 individuals. Participants reported an improvement in their ability to do daily tasks as well as a decrease in depression, pain, or anxiety symptoms after a three-week course of CBD treatment for anxiety and depression.

Another study examined the effects of CBD medicine on 72 people who experienced anxiety or sleep problems.

78.1-79.2% of participants reported better anxiety symptoms after the first two months of CBD administration. However, few people reported worsened symptoms after receiving CBD medication.

  1. CBD tinctures work with the body’s ECS to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  2. According to research, CBD may help lower anxiety by communicating with serotonin receptors in the brain that regulate mood and anxiety.
  3. CBD can alleviate the other symptoms. It alleviates anxiety-related insomnia and stimulates appetite.
  4. Maintaining your composure can help combat panic attacks.
  5. CBD tinctures with varying concentrations and formulations provide for more tailored treatment options.

According to the World Health Organization, CBD is a well-tolerated and safe product. Based on studies, there are very few negative consequences. However, if your anxiety levels rise, you should consult your doctor.

Understanding CBD Potency And Concentration

When selecting a CBD product, potency and concentration are crucial aspects to take into account. Here is a condensed description to get you started:

  • CBD Potency: This describes how strong a product’s cannabinoid content is. It indicates the amount of cannabinoids (CBD) contained in each serving and is often expressed in milligrams (mg).

A product containing 500 mg of cannabinoids in a 30 ml bottle, for instance, will not be as potent as one containing 1000 mg of cannabinoids (CBD) in a bottle of the same capacity. Cannazo India’s Vijaya Amrit has a potency of 2000mg in 15ml. The strongest in the Indian market.

  • CBD Concentration: This indicates the amount of cannabinoids (CBD) contained in a specific volume of product. Usually, it is stated in milligrams per milliliter, or mg/ml. Greater concentrations indicate that each drop or dosage of the product contains more cannabinoids (CBD).

So, a CBD oil with a concentration of 50mg/ml will be stronger than one with 25mg/ml. Cannazo India’s Vijaya Amrit has a concentration of 80mg/ml. The strongest in the Indian market.

Factors to consider when selecting CBD oil brands

Medical Consultation: Either consult a renowned medical specialist as available on the website or opt for free prescription along with product purchase for customized dosage protocol. Get in touch with us on +91 9910556650 or book your consultation using

  • Certificate of Analysis: Purchase from trusted brands like Cannazo India, which have premium quality CBD oil for anxiety with all the testing reports and certificate of analysis (COA).
  • Type of full spectrum CBD oil: Opt for a brand with CBD rich or High CBD content product. As per studies, High CBD:THC (like 4:1) ratio helps reduce anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Results from CBD tinctures, like the High CBD Vijaya Amrit, can take up to half an hour to become visible. If you know what causes your panic episodes, you may plan your dose accordingly. Take your dose 30 minutes before and relax.
  • Legality: Opt for a CBD brand with an in-house manufacturing unit and manufacturing license. License should have 25D in it.

Tips For Purchasing High Quality CBD Products

Start Low and Slow:
Begin with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase it as needed to find your optimal dosage.

Choose the Right Product:
Select a CBD product that aligns with your preferences, such as CBD oil, capsules, or edibles. Check the ingredient list, as per your known medical history and allergies.

Listen to Your Body:
Pay attention to how your body and mind respond to CBD and adjust your routine accordingly.


  • Cherney, K. (2020) Can CBD oil help reduce anxiety?, Healthline. Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health/cbd-for-anxiety#how-cbd-works (Accessed: 04 April 2024).
  • Gulbransen G, Xu W, Arroll B. Cannabidiol prescription in clinical practice: an audit on the first 400 patients in New Zealand. BJGP Open. 2020;4(1):bjgpopen20X101010. Published 2020 May 1. doi:10.3399/bjgpopen20X101010
  • Shannon S, Lewis N, Lee H, Hughes S. Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. Perm J. 2019;23:18-041. doi:10.7812/TPP/18-041

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